ADDRESS Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 500 Fairview Ave Brentwood, CA 94513
CONTACT e: svdpihmbrentwood@gmail.com f: 925-634-4154
Copyright © 2013 St. Vincent de Paul Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Conference.


We serve people in need… As the Conference within the Society, we provide help and comfort to the needy throughout our parish Conference. We help with food, clothing, and furniture, rent or shelter, and utilities, as a referral or simply a sympathetic ear. In 2013 alone, our Conference has provided assistance valued at more than $70,000.00 to over 20,000 people.


No work of charity is foreign to the Society. The society is an international organization devoted to serving the poor. It was founded in Paris in 1833 by a young French student, Frederic Ozanam, and today encompasses 750,000 members in 148 countries. The St. Vincent de Paul Society of Contra Costa County consists of 26 parish Conferences with about 500 full time volunteers.
St. Vincent de Paul Society


AND THANK YOU FOR DROPPING BY! Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
NEWS & EVENTS SVDP CANNED FOOD DRIVE Food Pantry / Food distribution - Open every Friday: Registration begins at 9:00AM Food distribution starts at 11:00AM Food Bank Food Distribution - Every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month For the latest SVdP canned food drive information, please click here. Despensa de alimentos / Distribución de alimentos-abierto todos los viernes de 7:30AM-11:00AM Distribución de alimentos de Food Bank-cada 2º y 4º martes del mes For la última información de la programa de alimentos enlatados de SVdP, por favor haga clic aquí. It’s St. Vincent de Paul time again! The collections to St. Vincent de Paul here at IHM helps many. Some of the money you donate goes towards purchasing food for our pantry and used to feed our neighbors in need. However, a large part of your donation is used to assist our neighbors when there is a crisis, or an unfortunate circumstance that prevents them from making ends meet. Your generosity last year enabled us to: - Provide 3,095 visits to offer material and spiritual help to neighbors in need - Serve 14,876 people from our food pantry - Distribute $158,390 in value of aid, including in-kind, throughout our community Your donation may be sent to St. Vincent de Paul c/o IHM or delivered to the Parish Office. It makes you a partner in the help we give to the less fortunate. Thanks Partner, and God Bless you for your generosity.
“Charity is infinitely inventive.” - St. Vincent de Paul


ADDRESS Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 500 Fairview Ave. Brentwood, CA 94513
Copyright © 2013 St. Vincent de Paul Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Conference.
CONTACT e: svdpihmbrentwood@gmail. com f: 925-634-4154


We serve people in need… As the Conference within the Society, we provide help and comfort to the needy throughout our parish Conference. We help with food, clothing, and furniture, rent or shelter, and utilities, as a referral or simply a sympathetic ear. In 2013 alone, our Conference has provided assistance valued at more than $70,000.00 to over 20,000 people.



No work of charity is foreign to the Society. The society is an international organization devoted to serving the poor. It was founded in Paris in 1833 by a young French student, Frederic Ozanam, and today encompasses 750,000 members in 148 countries. The St. Vincent de Paul Society of Contra Costa County consists of 26 parish Conferences with about 500 full time volunteers.
St. Vincent de Paul Society


AND THANK YOU FOR DROPPING BY! Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
NEWS & EVENTS SVDP CANNED FOOD DRIVE Food Pantry / Food distribution - Open every Friday: Registration begins at 9:00AM Food distribution starts at 11:00AM Food Bank Food Distribution - Every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month For the latest SVdP canned food drive information, please click here. Despensa de alimentos / Distribución de alimentos- abierto todos los viernes de 7:30AM-11:00AM Distribución de alimentos de Food Bank-cada 2º y 4º martes del mes For la última información de la programa de alimentos enlatados de SVdP, por favor haga clic aquí. It’s St. Vincent de Paul time again! The collections to St. Vincent de Paul here at IHM helps many. Some of the money you donate goes towards purchasing food for our pantry and used to feed our neighbors in need. However, a large part of your donation is used to assist our neighbors when there is a crisis, or an unfortunate circumstance that prevents them from making ends meet. Your generosity last year enabled us to: - Provide 3,095 visits to offer material and spiritual help to neighbors in need - Serve 14,876 people from our food pantry - Distribute $158,390 in value of aid, including in- kind, throughout our community Your donation may be sent to St. Vincent de Paul c/o IHM or delivered to the Parish Office. It makes you a partner in the help we give to the less fortunate. Thanks Partner, and God Bless you for your generosity.
“Charity is infinitely inventive.” - St. Vincent de Paul